Ho Duc Hoan – Bachelor’s Degree on International Business

From KAMK International Business Degree to Managing Director of the Leading Education Booking Platforms in Vietnam

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Hi, my name is Ho Duc Hoan. I am from Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. Currently, I am a managing director of Edu2Review, one of the leading education booking platforms in Vietnam. I studied International Business degree at KAMK and graduated in 2017.

When I researched Finland education, KAMK kept my first attention as the best applied sciences university. I did more research about the program, location, student development, and teacher profile. Especially, I read one student review about his life in KAMK  (used to study in KAMK) which helped me a lot to make the decision.

Having constructive discussion and being active in learning/solving problems were the most important things I learnt from KAMK. I helped me to grow myself  a lot within few years study.

In 2nd semester, I registered for one course about how to build your prototype and MVP (minimum viable product). This was super helpful to me as it reshaped the way I thought about doing business.

Getting a startup idea through studies

I found my startup idea when I was in KAMK. As a student, I needed to finish many mini-project. I had a chance to research and explore the elementary and secondary school in Kajaani. When I had a discussion with kids, teachers and  parents, I found out that one of the key factors for students’ success was that education stakeholders created the opportunity for them to explore new things – learning by doing. By this way, each kid can figure out their strengths and weaknesses, their hobbies and career path.

I came back Vietnam in 2015 and started the idea about education review and booking platform: in this website, learners can easily to find and book any education services,  as well as they can register the “all in one package” to explore various type of learnings in the city such as dance, yoga, piano, singing…

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Applying the methods you learn in your studies to business

Building a real business from an idea is really a big challenge. The journey requires a lot of patience, courage, passion and risk acceptance. Thanks for my time in KAMK, I started to build MPV products as the same process I learnt from school. It saved a lot of money and time to do MPV, got customer feedback and kept updating new features. I applied “PDCA methodology” , one of the methods I learnt in 2nd years into my startup to optimize resources. I was a big success in operation at that time.
The appropriate approach at the beginning is the fundamental element for long term success. Edu2Review now become the leading edtech in Vietnam, serving 1.000.000 traffic per month. We also raised fund successful from 2 Venture capitals in the region.

From the bottom of my heart, I believe that my decision to study at KAMK is one of the best decisions I’ve ever made, and also the highest ROI (return on investment). If you are a KAMK student now, you should believe that you make the right choice, try your best and enjoy your time here.

For those who want to pursue the edtech journey, one of the best ways is to talk with learners, teachers and school managers. Business starts from creating value to solve problems. Talking with customers is the best way to find opportunities.

Ho Duc Hoan
International business degree (2017)