Transfer Students

Students who wish to apply for a transfer to Kajaani University of Applied Sciences (KAMK) must have the right to study in a degree programme in a Finnish University of Applied Sciences and they should be progressing in their studies according to their study plan.

A transfer student is a student whose study right is transferred either to different degree programme or from different higher education institution.

See Studyinfo for general instructions.

Study Info: What is transfer application?

Admissions criteria at KAMK

  • You can apply for a transfer, if you have a study right in a degree programme in a Finnish higher education institution
  • You have completed studies at least worth of 22 ECTS per semester or 45 ECTS per academic year (excluding accredited studies)
  • You have been a present student at least one academic year.
  • You have a realistic possibility to graduate during the standard study time. Study right does not start from the beginning or be extended after transfer.

Required documents

  • Officially signed and stamped certificate of enrollment containing attendance record
  • Officially signed and stamped transcript of records and a list of ongoing courses (personal study plan)
  • If necessary, a document verifying exemption from tuition fee payment

Save the documents online to your application.

Prerequisites for

The selection is possible only when

  • You meet the transfer admissions criteria
  • There are study places in the study group you’re applying to
  • Your previous studies can be included to the degree at KAMK
  • Your remaining study right is enough to complete the degree at KAMK

The applications are submitted on Study Info during the application period (taking place twice a year).

Transfer student cannot register as absent in the first academic year after the transfer.

Study Info

Tuition fees

Further information about KAMK tuition fees and scholarship policy please see the page linked below.

Tuition fee and scholarship

Application periods 2024

2 – 15 May (studies starting in autumn)
1 – 15 November (studies starting in spring)

Results published latest by:
30 June (studies starting in autumn)
15 December  (studies starting in autumn)

Accepting the study place latest by:
31 July 3 pm Finnish local time (studies starting in autumn)
31 December 3 pm Finnish local time (studies starting in spring)