According to the Universities of Applied Sciences Act (932/2014) and the Limited Liability Companies Act (624/2006), the general administration and finances of Kajaani University of Applied Sciences Ltd are led by the KAMK Ltd Board of Directors and the CEO, who also serves as the president of the university of applied sciences.
The KAMK Ltd Executive committee is responsible for strategy, financial management, and operational guidance. The tasks of the Eecutive Committee regulated in the Limited Liability Companies Act, the Universities of Applied Sciences Act, and the KAMK Regulations.
Kajaani University of Applied Sciences Ltd Executive Committee:
Toivo Sistonen, Chair
Maarit Ojavuo, Vice-Chair
Matti Heikkinen, Member
Jukka Juvonen, Member
Paavo Keränen, Member
Kimmo Kumpulainen, Member
Tuomo Kälkäjä, Member
Taneli Niskanen, Member
Minna Partanen, Member
KAMK Executive Group
The KAMK Executive Group supports the CEO/Rector in decision-making preparation.
The Executive Group consists of:
Rector/CEO Matti Sarén
Director of Administration and Finance/Vice CEO Tuija Postari-Kivistö
Director of Competence Area Jari Kähkönen / Business and Technology Competence Area
Director of Competence Area Eija Heikkinen / KAMK Master School, Social and Health Care Competence Area
Director of Development Mikko Saari / Education Development
Director of Study and Communication Services Teija Sievänen
Director of IT Services Miika Lippojoki
Director of RDI (Research, Development, and Innovation) Mikko Keränen
The operational organization consists of three competence areas, KAMK Master School, as well as the service units providing expert services, Campus Services, and Study and Communication Services. The Center for Measurement and Information Systems (CEMIS), specialized in measurement and information systems, is part of KAMK’s operations.