RDI Focus Areas

We focus our research, development, and innovation activities on three main areas where we aim to be national and global leaders. In these themes, we produce new, interesting, and applied knowledge together with our partners.

mies lukemassa kirjaa kahvilan pöydässä. hänellä on kädessään silmälasit ja pöydällä kahvikuppi. Taustalla näkyy kirjahylly.

Data-Driven Management

In data-driven management and renewal, the focus is on developing and applying knowledge management, including data production, secure storage, processing, and analysis technologies. Key aspects also include utilizing data in service and business development, management, and decision-making.

Kaksi henkilöä on kumartunut rakennuspiirustusten ylle. Molemmilla on valkoiset kypärät ja keltaiset liivit.

Sustainable Future

In the sustainable future focus area, key elements include responsible management and organizational development, impact assessment, innovation development, well-being promotion, accessibility, circular economy, energy efficiency, and the green transition.

Vaaleanpunahiuksisella naisellä on silmillään vr-lasit ja käsissään vr-ohjaimet.

Game Development and Serious Games

In the game development and serious games focus area, we promote skills, motivation, and creativity through gamification. We develop game solutions for various environments and industries, such as tourism, social and health care, circular economy, construction, robotics, sports, business, and management. Our goal is to create innovative applications that enhance learning and provide unique experiences for users. We invest in the latest technologies.