Discretionary Admission

Kajaani University of Applied Sciences (KAMK) uses discretionary admission, so that other applicants, who do not fulfill the eligibility criteria fully, may also be invited to the entrance examination, if KAMK considers their skills and knowledge sufficient. Discretionary applicants are included in the student selection process in the same way as other eligible applicants. Discretion only concerns an applicant’s eligibility to apply.

Applicants without the required education background should contact KAMK Admissions Services before the application period starts. For further details: admissions(at)kamk.fi.

To apply in discretionary admission:

  1. apply normally online at Study Info during application period
  2. submit copies of the certificates that you wish to invoke to KAMK Admissions Office. Please enclose the cover letter shortly explaining why your application should be considered in discretionary admission. The attachments must arrive by the deadline of enclosure documents.

Please note, that when using discretionary admission, the copies of the same certificates must be sent to each university of applied sciences to which you are applying.

Please refer to your applicant number in all correspondence.

Study Info