The Innovation ecoSystem for Healthy Active People in Europe – I3-INSHAPE

Kajaani University of Applied Sciences is involved in an EU-funded international project (I3-INSHAPE), which aims to respond the increasing mobility concerns of Europeans through innovation and digitalisation.

Project goals

Finns spend most of their waking hours sitting or be laying around. This increases with the transition from younger to older age groups. Immobility is also a challenge in other European countries.  The I3-INSHAPE project contributes to meeting this challenge. Today’s development work requires cooperation between different actors. The project will network with actors in different countries and develop knowledge on the subject.
Companies in the sport and well-being sector play a key role in the project.

Project actions

Development work will focus on:

1) business support, including innovation and business advisory services,
2) market readiness assessments,
3) data-driven development (new data and digitalisation services),
4) workshops for companies,
5) identification of innovation ecosystem services and tools, and
6) collection of best practices (at international level).


The project involves operators from five different countries: Belgium, Netherlands, Spain, Hungary, Finland.

Finnish cooperation includes operators from Lapland (Lapland University of Applied Sciences) and Päijänne-Tavastia (LAB, Ladec – Lahti Region Development). In the Kainuu Region, operators are Kajaani University of Applied Sciences, University of Jyväskylä and CSE Simulation Ltd.

I3-Inshape partnerit

Project information

Duration of the project: 01.09.2023 – 31.08.2026

Funding: European Union

Coordinator: Cluster Sports and Technology/Holland

More information

Ammattikorkeakoulun yliopettaja

Katri Takala


Tommi Kyllönen

Ammattikorkeakoulun yliopettaja

Tommi Kauppinen