
Our campus – let’s keep it safe!

Kajaani University of Applied Sciences emphasizes comprehensive on-campus security and safety

We believe that a safe campus means that all aspects of safety are taken into account. In other words, all the traditional aspects of safety, and in particular well-being, a sense of security and a focus on creating a good and open atmosphere in the campus environment. In particular, we want to improve safety through well-being.

Creating a safe and pleasant study and working environment is a goal we all share;Safety is everybody’s responsibility
The President of our UAS has overall responsibility for security and safety. He is assisted by the Head of Safety and the safety team. We also hope that all students and staff working on campus will be involved in promoting safety and have their say in safety matters.

We carry out predictive security work
We organize security and safety related training courses and exercises for all students and staff and develop constantly develop our security and safety operations.

In our opinion good quality means making security a part of what we do every day. We want to provide ours students and staff with a safe, healthy and attractive study and working environment.

Head of Safety
Pekka Vaarala
T: +358 44 7157 004