Welcome to Visit KAMK 2025!
Registration for exhibitors for the Career and Recruitment Fair has been opened. Register at the link below.
Last year, Visit KAMK combined the joy of learning and experimentation as the worlds of learning and RDI (research, development and innovation) activities come together at the event. The event offereded emotions, information and activities.
Visit KAMK 2024 offered a diverse event that included career and recruitment fairs, a showcase of KAMK’s RDI activities, event halls, lectures and a variety of micro-learning sessions. The event took place on the campus of Kajaani University of Applied Sciences (Taito 1 and 2 and Tieto 2 buildings), with presentations, lectures and workshops taking place in classrooms and halls on campus at various times. The event had three event halls, numerous lecture halls and three buildings covering all disciplines on campus.
The Career and Recruitment Fair was a networking event for partners, job seekers and event guests. The Career and Recruitment Fair took place in the Taito 1 and 2 and Tieto 2 buildings between 9am and 3pm. Various lectures and presentations took place at the same time and the day culminated in a presentation by Sointu Borg in the Campus Heart of the Tieto 2 building.
The doors are open at Visit KAMK, so you are warmly welcome to come in!
At the event, you can explore the different buildings on campus, meet different fields of study, see and experience different micro-learning moments, lectures, speeches and hear interesting stories, in addition to meeting exhibitors at career and recruitment fairs. For more details on the day’s programme, see the “Discover the programme” section. There is no need to register separately to attend the event
In auditoriums Taito 1/2 and in Tieto 2
klo 11.00 The story of Siamäk Naghian, Genelec (Taito 1, auditorium)
klo 12.00 Engaging international students with Kainuu business owners: from pioneers to pillars! Kamilla Sultanova (Taito 2, auditorium)
klo 13.00 Does Anyone Need an International Student? And What Do Students Need? Observations on Local Companies and International Students in the Talent Boost Initiative 2024: Kati Kovalainen, CrossCulturalCoaching Oy
klo 13.00 Silja Kauppinen (FIN) & Laura Slade (ENG), Koulutusavain (Tieto 2, kampussydän)
klo 14.00 Panel discussion: skilled workforce and international students: integration and inclusion in the future of Kainuu: hosted by international recruitment coordinator Réka Tolonen, participants: resettlement coordinator Kaisa Törmälä, development manager Risto Hämäläinen, City of Kajaani, principal Matti Sarén Kajaanin ammattikorkeakoulu, entrepreneur Antti Homanen Arctic Giant, student union KAMO Chairman of the Board Miro Sallila, entrepreneur Robert Johnstone, Lentiira Holiday Villag (Taito 2, Auditorium)
Taito 1, 2 krs. L120
klo 10.00 Competence for energy transition management (Osaamista energiamurroksen johtamiseen): Pekka Kantola
klo 11.00 Advancing the digital innovation hub ecosystem in Kainuu: Miikka Krogerus AIKA-ecosystem
klo 11.30 Five tourist regions, one unique lake experience – Pro Lakeland II : Krista Kuosmanen, Saara Uusiheimala
klo 12.00 YEscape together! – escape games as a way to promote community in education (Yhdessä pakoon! – pakopelit yhteisöllisyyden edistäjänä opetuksessa): Taina Romppanen (both finnish and english)
klo 13.00 Utilising the data-center waste heat (Konesalien hukkalämmöt hyödyksi): Silja Keränen (both finnish and english)
Taito 1, 1. krs L 115
Non-stop guiding during 10-14.
Työmarkkinatorin profiilin luominen ja käyttäminen, in english too: greating and using the Job Market Finland
Taito 1, 2. krs L126
klo 12.30 Elevator pitch as part of your personal brand: Marjaana Seppi
The rest of the program is held in Finnish and you can see it in the finnish pageversion visitkamk.fi.
Johanna Takanen
+358 44 710 1127
We reserve the right to make changes.