Partner Institutions and Exchange Programmes

KAMK has partner universities and other partners in nearly fifty countries. Each school within KAMK has its own cooperation partners. KAMK participates in various exchange programs that fund the exchange of students, teachers, and other staff members abroad. Below, you can find information about our partner institutions and some of the exchange programs in which we participate.

Partner Institutions for Bachelor Level Students

KAMK has partner universities and other partners in around fifty countries.  Read further information about partner institutions.

Partner Institutions for Bachelor Level Students

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Partner Institutions for Master Level Students

We have a strong partnership network for master level students. Read further information about partner institutions.

Partner Institutions for Master Level Students

Further information

Ms. Meira Kaikkonen
Head of International Affairs
– Partnership agreements
– Institutional Erasmus+ Coordinator
– Outgoing exchange students
– Teacher and staff exchange
– BIP courses
Tel. +358 44 7101 617
Email: (at) or meira.kaikkonen(at)