Academic Calendar

Academic Calendar 2024-2025

New students will start at KAMK from 20.8.2024. Check the starting date, time and location of your group from the New Students’ page.

During the academic year 2024-2025, students will have a total of 40 working weeks (35 teaching weeks and 5 weeks of independent study) and one week of holiday (week 52).

Autumn semester 2024
20 August 2024: Orientation days for new Bachelor students start
21 August 2024: Orientation days for new Master students (full-time) start
21 August 2024: Orientation days for incoming exchange students start

26 August 2024: Continuing students start their studies

14 – 20 October 2024: Independent study week (no teaching)
18 December 2024: Semester ends

Spring semester 2025
7 – 8 January 2025: Orientation days for incoming exchange students
8 January 2025: Semester starts
3 – 9 March 2025: Independent study week (no teaching)
23 May 2025: Semester ends

Independent study weeks (no teaching)
30 December 2024 – 6 January 2025
26 May – 8 June 2025