KAMK is number one in Finland

Based on the performance indicators of the Ministry of Education and Culture, Kajaani University of Applied Sciences (KAMK) was the most successful university of applied sciences in Finland in 2023, relative to its size. KAMK has been among the top performers for several years, ranking second in the previous three years.

“We are extremely proud of this first place. Systematic work in both education and research and development is paying off. A big thank you to our staff for all the hard work. We are a small university, but we achieve big results, and we have demonstrated our strength both regionally and nationally. A special thanks also to our partners, with whom we have developed and implemented new and significant projects,” says President/CEO Matti Sarén.

According to the performance indicators, KAMK’s strength lies particularly in RDI activities, where we remain the best in Finland. We raised more than three times the external RDI funding relative to our size.

“Research, development, and innovation activities (RDI) play a significant role alongside the implementation and development of education. We are very eager to further enhance our role as a development partner for regional companies. We also hope to see growth in international projects, which would enhance the region’s capabilities to bring in new expertise and simultaneously expand our own knowledge to broader markets,” notes Sarén.

KAMK also ranked among the top in offering master’s degree programs. In terms of content and qualifications, those are comparable to master’s degrees at universities.

“Kainuu needs expertise at all levels. The ability of our own university to educate for demanding expert and leadership positions is crucial for the success of our region,” Sarén emphasizes.

Additionally, Kajaani University of Applied Sciences has improved its results in the comparison of continuous learning credits, ranking second with more than double the number of credits.

In 2023, Southeast Finland University of Applied Sciences (XAMK) placed second based on the performance indicators. Centria University of Applied Sciences (Kokkola) was third, Lapland University of Applied Sciences ninth, Oulu University of Applied Sciences 15th, and Savonia 16th.

The comparison of the performance of universities of applied sciences is conducted annually by Viivain Oy, based on data collected by the Ministry of Education and Culture. The comparison is part of the Osviitta service, commissioned by the universities of applied sciences.

More information:
Matti Sarén
Tel. 044 7101 600