Kajaani University of Applied Sciences’ website has been renewed

Kajaani University of Applied Sciences’ website has been renewed. The updated site was built in collaboration with the marketing and communications agency Aava&Bang. With the renewal, the website’s appearance, color scheme, and structure have changed. The development work has been done with the user/customer in mind, aiming to create a user-friendly experience.

The new website is built around three main headings: Study at KAMK, Cooperate with KAMK and Information about KAMK. This is influenced by the different needs of the target audience, such as the application processes for degrees.

“We have built the website to meet the specific services we offer. Our customers are particularly looking for information related to degrees and studies. Our role in development activities is also important, and we have improved the up-to-date visibility of projects, among other things,” says Head of Communications Tanja Keränen.

The new website also utilizes automatic data updates. For example, contact information and descriptions of research projects will be displayed in real-time.

Further development of the website will focus on the visibility of open education offerings in the autumn of 2024.

“We are still building a new education/event calendar during the autumn to make the overall picture of skills enhancement more visible on our site,” says Keränen.

The website is an element that evolves and changes almost daily. This will also be the case in the future. We renew, develop, and modify the page in many ways to meet our needs.

If you notice anything that needs to be modified on the website, please send a message to: viestinta@kamk.fi.