International Game Development Education – PELIKAN

Aim of the project

Producing high quality and high value BBA and MBA courses in English for the games industry.

Game Development Education in Finland
The table below summarizes the game development education available in Finland. If you would like to update your institution’s training offer, please send the updated information to

Find the table here: Game Development Education in Finland.xlsx

Report: Game-Related Studies in Finland.pdf

Do you have expertise in game development? Would you be willing to share your knowledge with KAMK students? Read below for more information about guest lecturers.

Project actions

KAMK’s games education will be developed in cooperation with companies, students and partner schools. This cooperation will help to ensure that the training is produced to meet the needs of the industry. Providing games education in English will broaden the potential applicant pool worldwide.

Project info

Duration of project: 1/2023 – 12/2025

More information

Emails are

Ammattikorkeakoulun yliopettaja

Tanja Korhonen

Project materials