Survey on Working Life in Kainuu: Working life in Kainuu is seen as calm, and people enjoy working in the region’s workplaces

Logos: KAMK, flag of the European union and text 'Co-funded by the European Union', Centre for Economic Development, Transport and the Environment, Moninainen Kainuu.

More than 500 people responded to a survey investigating the attraction and retention factors of working life in Kainuu.

The Survey on Working Life in Kainuu aimed to gather opinions on working life in Kainuu and the factors that influence the region’s attractiveness and retention. The survey was conducted in Finnish and English at the end of 2024, with responses particularly sought from working-age women, but also from anyone interested in Kainuu or who already has some connection to the region.

The survey received responses from 547 individuals from Kainuu and other parts of Finland. Among the respondents, 469 were women and 76 were men.

– The survey reached its target group well. The large number of responses indicates that the topic of the survey is considered important and interesting, says Project Manager Paula Piirainen from Kajaani University of Applied Sciences.

Relaxed and community oriented working life

Based on the data from the Survey on Working Life in Kainuu, the region appears particularly attractive as a place for leisure and recreational activities. Working life in Kainuu is described as calm, relaxed, adaptable, quiet, and community oriented. On the other hand, it is also described as fairly traditional, resistant to change, persistent, and hardworking. The survey data strongly highlighted that people are quite or very satisfied with their workplaces in Kainuu.

The majority of students from Kajaani University of Applied Sciences and Kainuu Vocational College who responded to the survey felt that their studies met their expectations well, and they expect to be quite or very successful in finding employment with their future qualifications.

– Most students indicated that they plan to stay in Kainuu after graduation or are still unsure about their future direction. It is particularly noteworthy that only a small portion of students stated that they do not plan to stay in Kainuu, says Piirainen.

The survey responses emphasized the hope for the growth of vitality in Kainuu. Many responses expressed a desire to instill confidence in the future and to promote a positive, new ethos and narrative for Kainuu. There was also a wish for more positive visibility for the Kainuu region.

The Kainuu in all its diversity project, co-financed by the European Union, promotes the diversity of working life in Kainuu and strengthens the region’s attractiveness and retention from the perspective of women. Kajaani University of Applied Sciences is the main implementer of the project. The project runs from September 1, 2024, to December 31, 2026.

For further information:

Project Manager Paula Piirainen, Kajaani University of Applied Sciences,, tel. +358 40 139 5967

Työelämä Kainuussa -kyselyn raportti: Moninainen Kainuu -hanke
(The report of the Survey on Working Life in Kainuu: Kainuu in all its diversity project. The report is in Finnish.)