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Open Repository Theseus – the theses and publications of the Universities of Applied Sciences on the Internet

Theseus gives you online access to theses and publications from Finnish universities of applied sciences. You can read entire theses and publications and utilise them in your own research and development work – or just to get acquainted with theses written by graduates of the universities of applied sciences or the universities’ publications.

After your thesis is final and approved
  • Save the final version of your thesis in pdf-format to the Theseus submissions page. When you log in to the Theseus, use your KAMIT-ID's. You will receive an email to confirm that the download is complete. Print the confirmation!

  • Submit a loose-leaf copy of your thesis and the printed confirmation email to the study office. This copy will be filed in the Library archives.

  • The thesis is a public part of your degree. However, if the thesis is not published in Theseus, it will be published as a paper copy (bound) in the library. In this case, submit two loose-leaf copies of your thesis to the study office.